Batch files are simple files made using
notepad, perhaps there are many files which can be made once you know about the
command lines of windows. What we will discuss here is:
What are
batch files?
How to make some virus using batch files and
How they work?
Batch file is a name given to a type of
script file, text files containing a series of commands to be executed by
command interpreter. A batch file contains any commands that can be executed
and interpreted by the interpreter interactively at the command prompt (cmd).
Batch files usually have extensions like *.bat which can be made
through a serious of commands written in notepad or word pad.
Now to put it simple, a batch file is a text
containing a sequence of commands, one in each line. When you launch batch file
from the command line, command prompt reads the file executing each of the
commands in sequence. Therefore using a batch file, you can automate tedious
jobs or tasks that require typing several command sequence. For instance let’s
say you have a daily task on your pc that needs to be done by writing about 5
lines of commands in order for your task to be accomplished, but you may make
errors when writing this commands for every day, also you will kill your time
writing the commands on your pc, this is the main reason why batch files are
needed. Once you open the note pad you can simply insert the commands that you
need, then save it as *.bat file which is very simple to do and also nobody wants
to kill their time writing the same commands again and again every single day.
Simply after creating our batch files we can launch them and they will do their
How to make batch files?
Any text editor (an application that saves files as plain text files)
will work to create batch files. The most popular application for creating
batch files is the Microsoft Notepad utility included with Windows. Notepad has
been included with every version of Windows since version 1.0 was released in
1985. (Which, I suspect, makes Notepad older and familiar with many of the
readers of this tutorial!) Notepad is very bare bones, but it will make a clean
text file for you to use as a batch file. You'll need to make sure you save it
as a BAT file instead of a TXT file - go to the File menu, and then to Save As,
change the "Save As Type" to "All Files", and type the file
name with a BAT extension.
It's a bad idea to use a full-featured word processor like Microsoft
Office Word or LibreOffice Writer to create your batch file. The standard save
formats of full-featured word processors are obviously not text files, and even
when saving a Word document as a TXT file, it tends to be formatted
incorrectly. If you want a more full-featured text editor, there are several free
programs available - Notepad++ is one of the more popular ones.
You can put practically any command in a batch file. There are, however,
a set of ten commands that are particularly useful for adding functionality to
batch files (and some of them only work properly when used in a batch file).
Using them, you can create limited programs that accept user input, complete
with assigned variables. These will be simple programs - to create really
complex effects, you'd need to learn WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)
syntax or a programming language like C# or Visual Basic. Nevertheless, you can
use these commands to create useful batch files.
The ten batch file commands are ECHO, CALL, FOR, PAUSE, CHOICE, GOTO,
REM, IF, SHIFT, SET. Now, what we covered in this tutorial is just a general
knowledge which will help get introduced about batch files.
I hope this tutorial has helped you understand what
batch files are needed for!!
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